La sala blanca

  • Altres

I had been waiting for her for over an hour, and there wasn’t much chance of her turning up now. I was the one who invited her, I told myself. The image was of a silhouette at the rear of the white room, coming towards me. Everything fell into sudden silence. Foolish pride, I told myself. Nothing fell; I think some music played in the background, I can’t remember exactly. I heard her, I thought. Don’t worry, have you read the book? No... not really, I said. So you haven’t read it, she said. You must read it, she said, I thought. Yes, now I remember, it was a sort of music, an old popular song that I had heard recently in a film…

Artistic card

Direcció i dramatúrgia: Xavier Martínez; Assessorament de direcció: Gràcia Auguri; Assessorament de dramatúrgia: Gràcia Auguri; Espai escènic i vestuari: Joana Martí; Il·luminació: Jordi Martínez; Assessorament de moviment: Eulàlia Bergadà; Arranjaments musicals i piano: Paul Perera;


Xavier Martínez


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    20 pm.
  • Space

    Biblioteca Francesca Bonnemaison

    Carrer de Sant Pere Més Baix, 7