La tortuga de Califòrnia

  • Teatre

Daniela Feixas

Is it genes, or is it education, the environment and circumstances in which we live? Based on the stories of two siblings, a young playwright and actress asks how much our family inheritance influences our lives.

“I look at myself in the mirror, but I don’t see anything that makes me afraid, no dark spirit”. These are words spoken by Katrin Himmler, great-niece of the SS and Gestapo head, who was forced to do what the characters in this place have to do: to wonder whether some things are carried in the blood or whether our behaviour depends only on ourselves and our circumstances in life. Daniela Feixas explores this theme in a work that was short-listed for the latest Quim Masó Prize. The play centres on €ngela, a girl who is trapped in family history and believes that her behaviour and that of any descendants she may have will be determined by their genetic inheritance. Extinction is, for her, the only alternative. But her brother, Emilio, wants to live as an individual and escape from the family’s past. How much do genes weigh? We receive our answer from an actress who had already performed at the Grec, but now makes her festival debut as author.

Artistic card

Autoria: Daniela Feixas; Direcció: Lurdes Barba; Intèrprets: Anna Güell, Daniela Feixas, Josep Julien, Clara de Ramón; Escenografia: Roger Orra; Vestuari: Lurdes Barba, Daniela Feixas; Disseny d'il·luminació: Maria Domènech;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Wednesday to Saturday, 9 pm; Sunday, 7 pm
  • Space

    La Seca - Espai Brossa

    Carrer dels Flassaders, 40, 08003 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    75 min
  • Price
    18 €