
  • Teatre

Jordi Oriol / Xavier Albertí

A crude perversion of Shakespeare's The Tempest, based on the characters of Ariel and Caliban transported into the world of Camus' The Plague. A personal reworking in which text and music play equal roles. A tempest at once rhythmic, poetic, grammatical, dramatic...

In 2007, Jordi Oriol and Xavier Albertí teamed up to create a re-reading of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, fusing it with Albert Camus’s novel The Fall, with extraordinary results. Now, playwright and director come together once more, melding different works by the same two authors. Because L'empestat is a new reading of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, seen through the prism of Camus’ The Plague and fused with Beethoven’s Piano Sonata no. 17 (better known as The Tempest), performed by the actor and musician Carles Pedragosa. L'empestat is a new sound piece by Indi Gest a multidisciplinary group, which begins at the moment when Prospero and Miranda leave the island which had been their home since they were shipwrecked. Ariel and Caliban regain their freedom, and Caliban is once more the lord and master of his tiny kingdom. But nothing will ever be the same for him. Having been taught to put words to his torment, Caliban is struck by the tempest of a language that he has only just learned, and which only serves to evoke the world that has betrayed him.

Production: Indi Gest, Office for Support of Cultural Initiatives (OSIC) and Temporada Alta Girona/Salt - Festival de Tardor de Catalunya.

In cooperation with: Auditori de Sant Martí and Auditori Atrium de Viladecans and Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona.

En Residència project, organised by Barcelona Institute of Culture and Barcelona Education Consortium in cooperation with Sala Beckett / Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia.

Artistic card

Autoria: Jordi Oriol ; Direcció: Xavier Albertí; Interpretació: Jordi Oriol i Carles Pedragosa; Escenografia: Alex Aviñoa i Sílvia Delagneau; Construcció de l'escenografia: Dani Poy i Joan Galí; Vestuari: Sílvia Delagneau; Disseny d'il·luminació: Alex Aviñoa; Disseny de so: Roc Mateu; Ajudant de direcció: Albert Arribas; Producció executiva: Neus Oriol i Dani López-Orós; Producció Indi Gest: Helena Font ; Fotografia: Sílvia Poch;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Wednesday-Saturday, 9pm; Sunday, 7pm
  • Space

    La Seca - Espai Brossa

    Carrer dels Flassaders, 40, 08003 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    55 min
  • Price