Les criades

  • Teatre

Jean Genet / Sadari Movement Laboratory

An innovative Korean company whose object-based physical theatre has won international acclaim reworks one of Genet's best-known plays, featuring a wardrobe as an additional protagonist.

In 1998, on his return from studying in France with Jacques LeCoq, the director Do Wan Im founded the Sadari Movement Laboratory, a company engaged in exploring new theatrical languages. The company has won praise around the world, presenting such shows as their acclaimed production of Woyzeck and this version of Genet’s play, originally written in 1947, featuring the use of video and a highly innovative sound design. In the hands of the Sadari Movement Laboratory, this story of two maids who hate their employer but dress up in her clothes, imitate her and fantasise about taking her place, is reworked into a tour-de-force of physical theatre. In it, a key role is played by article of furniture: a large wooden wardrobe, which, in this rich interplay between the self and others, between reality and fiction, becomes a psychological space inhabited by both maids and mistress.

Artistic card

Autoria: Jean Genet; Direcció: Do Wan Im; Dramatúrgia: Kyu Choi; Intèrprets: Mee-Ryeong Kim, Eun-Young Joung, Eun-Ju Lee; Escenografia: Jung-Joo Yun; Vestuari: Joo-Hee Lee; Disseny d'il·luminació: Sang-Keun Lee; Disseny de so: Matthias Erian; Direcció de so: Matthias Erian; Direcció visual: Jang-Yeon Kim; Regidoria: Jae-Sung Lee; Direcció tècnica d'escena: Robin Bargar, Insook Choi; Producció: HeeJin Lee; Producció executiva: Kyu Choi; Traducció dels sobretítols: Eduard Bartoll i Teixidor; Management: Ysarca Art Promotions - Pilar de Yzaguirre;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9.30 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    70 min
  • Price