Li diuen mar

  • Teatre

Projecte PI(E)CE / Programa TantaJove

Eighty adults and young people from El Raval neighbourhood have used their own experiences to inspire a mass spectacle that speaks of journeys both physical and interior. The show forms part of the PI(E)CE intergenerational stage creation project.

Since 2011, Teatre Tantarantana, in cooperation with the choreographer Constanza Brncic and the playwright Albert Tola, has promoted an initiative aimed, at first, exclusively at students in El Raval neighbourhood, but which gradually wove a network of sympathies amongst these young people and adults, who share similar and unique artistic and social experiences. Word, dance and music become shared territory, a meeting place for a large cast of performers from different backgrounds, who speak different languages and are not even from the same generation, but even so can take part in a shared creative project. Li diuen mar (“They Call It the Sea”) is the title of the work produced this year, directed by Constanza Brncic Monsegur, with dramaturgy and texts by Albert Tola and music by Nuno Rebelo. This is a work about solitary and collective journeys both real and interior, a project that brought together both pupils and teachers at Milà i Fontanals and Consell de Cent secondary schools, organisers and participants in the Room 1418 season of activities (CCCB-MACBA), senior citizens recruited thanks to the TotRaval association and the Arrels Foundation, and a choir taking part in the Clavé XXI project (Palau de la Música Catalana).

Production: Tantarantana Teatre SL.

In cooperation with Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona, Foment de Ciutat Vella, Barcelona Municipal Education Institute (IMEB) and Barcelona Centre for Contemporary Culture (CCCB).

Artistic card

Direcció i coreografia: Constanza Brncic; Dramatúrgia: Albert Tola; Música: Nuno Rebelo; Disseny d'il·luminació: Constanza Brncic i Jordi Puig ;

Gent gran: Adelaida Santiró, Paquita Menarguez, Gerónimo Pereira, Julietta Ortiz, María Romero, María Dolores Quiles, Coral Mestres, Avelina Teixeira, Julio lvarez i Josefina Ruiz.; IES Consell de Cent: Juan Francisco Escalona (col·laboració pedagògica i artística), Arbia Al Kamboui, Víctor Manuel Almonte, Jingliang Chen, Rut Fernández, John Carlo Garciano, Ennie Scarlet Ordóñez, Dexter-Josua Paragas, Racheda Rahouti, Joan Ramos, Erva Abelicia Sierra, Dunia Talbi El Alami, Rayhane Touha i Kawtar Zahid (alumnes); IES Milà i Fontanals: Encarna Laguna (col·laboració pedagògica i artística), Sarah Gómez, Kainat Iqbal, Adam Lakti, Sabrina Melo, Sarasvati López, Natàlia Nieto, Melisa Ferreras, Yasmine Souilah i Rocío Molina, Wendy Segura (alumnes); Habitació 1418: Fito Conesa (coordinació), Mónica García, Carmela Tió, Sebastián Rojo, Guiu Gámiz, Eduardo Gonzales, Lidia Palacios, Joana Aballí, José Alejandro Vázquez, Júlia Boixader, Guillem Jiménez, Andrea Campillo, Manel Vázquez, Miguel A. García, Lucía Calvo, Erika Fernández, Claudia Tellechea i Anna Lanau (participants); Cor de veus: Cor Novaura i Cor juvenil de Ciutat Vella (Clavé XXI): Glòria Fernàndez (directora), Gina Carbonell, Laia Dilay, Sheila Díaz, Carmen Piniello, Roser Salmeron, Júlia Tomàs, Kimberly Laungayan, Jereemay Llana, Cristina Porte, Jaume Jiménez, Ramon Muñoz, Liliana Roales, Verònica Garcia, Kelly Peralta, Dúnia Mostaid, Anna Niebla, Helena Matas, Margarita Cabrero, Gemma Zaragüeta, Maria Galí, Leire Mendiluce, Anna Domenech, Laura Rodríguez, Maria Llobet, Anna Llobet, Alba Muñoz, Maria Marin, Elena Timon, Clàudia Sandé, Xènia Provins, Ester Antón, Natàlia Marquès, Theresia Nickl, Rosa Tarés Lucia Recolons, Nini Akhvlediani, Raquel Adeliño, Marta Ortega, Mariona Fernandez.;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm
  • Space


    Carrer de Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price