Local Grec

  • Teatre
  • Grec en obert

A series of local theatres had to postpone shows scheduled as part of the Grec, but through an online site, they promoted a series of events that allowed them to continue participating in the Festival, with productions linked to Latin America.

 TEATRE LA GLEVA. Talk on the representation of gender dissent in the performing arts. 

SALA FLYHARD. How are the Timbre 4 and Flyhard venues self-managed and what has been their historical link? 

TEATRE AKADÈMIA. WINNIPEG-Videoart. By La Jarra Azul and Puça Espectacles. 

FORO FÈNIX. Felipe Cabezas and Daniela Bouret Vespa. Modera: Carme Tierz. 
Digital Theater. Is it viable? New formats, new challenges. How to collaborate between professionals from different countries when we are not able to travel?

SALA FÈNIX: Bitácora de Ida y Vuelta
Ràdio Teatre
A cabaret and musical look at the life of Miguel de Molina, a Malagan singer in exile in Argentina since 1941.

TANTARANTANA TEATRE: Talk about "La noche sin tiempo"

SALA VERSUS GLÒRIES: Talk about "El artista cubano entre el miedo y el poder"

SALA FÈNIX: FORO FÈNIX. Luis Jiménez + Felipe Cabezas.

LA BADABADOC: El apellido comienza conmigo Variación 2.

TEATRE AKADÈMIA.  Talk about Winnipeg "Dramatúrgia a partir d’un còmic".

SALA VERSUS GLÒRIES: "Sociedad, política y teatro en la Cuba actual" by Abel González Melo.

LA BADABADOC From documentary to theater and from theater to documentary.

SALA ATRIUM Talk with the company VACA 35 from Mexico.

TEATRE LA GLEVA Streaming reading of "TRANSITOS".

Grec2020: Round table "El futur dels teatres de proximitat i el seu encaix en el teixit cultural de la ciutat". With: SALA FLYHARD, TEATRE LA GLEVA, SALA ATRIUM, SALA VERSUS GLÒRIES, LA BADABADOC, SALA FÈNIX, ANTIC TEATRE, TEATRE TANTARANTANA, MALDÀ, TEATRE AKADÈMIA


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