Los Auténticos Decadentes

  • Música

One of the most respected and appreciated bands in Latin America celebrates its first 30 years of career with a new fusion of rhythms under the umbrella of rock music.

Take rhythms like the murga, the ska, the reggae or the ballad, shake them well and gather everything under a layer of good rock. The result of such extraordinary mix are nine live albums and two live recordings, as well as many concerts where tickets are often sold out. Have you heard of many bands who, as they did in 2017 in Mexico DF, have showed the sold out poster after having sold 75,000 tickets? We are talking about Los Auténticos Decadentes, a highly appreciated musical band, whose songs have become hymns for several generations of Latin Americans. In fact, it is not strange to hear some of his songs, adapted, to football stadiums in the subcontinent and, even, in countries as far away as Japan. The Barcelona public is now invited to see "Los Deca" live, a nickname more familiarly known in South America.

A production by The Project

Artistic card

Musical interpretation: Armesto Pablo (bass), Bernardou Gaston (percussion), Demarco Diego (guitar & voice), Eijo Guillermo (trumpet), Franceschelli Mariano (drums), Lorenzo Martín (percussion & voice), Montechia Gustavo (guitarra), Parisi Gustavo (voice), Rodriguez Pablo (saxo), Serrano Jorge (voice & guitar), Tripodi Eduardo (percussion), Zimbello Daniel (trombone), Carrozza Claudio (keyboard)



  • Dates
  • Space


    Avinguda del Para€lel, 62, 08001 Barcelona

  • Language
    Neerlandès i francès amb sobretitulació en català
  • Price