Marta Carrasco

  • Dansa

Perra de nadie

An essential point of reference in today's dance theatre fills the stage with the women who inhabited her previous shows, in a risky venture in which there is room for horror, but also for comedy.

If you saw B. Flowers, one of the artist’s most recent shows, you will surely remember that sick character wearing a filthy old wedding dress. It was Lili, who reappears in Marta Carrasco’s latest dance theatre offering, along with other women like Violeta (Aiguardent) or Claudel (from Blanc d’ombra). Lili is a perra (bitch), a condition that is not learned but inherent in her personality. And she is a perra de nadie (nobody’s bitch) because, as Carrasco says, only someone who “is nobody and belongs to nobody can plumb the depths of their inner self”. Shocking images and music with an outstanding role accompany scenes of horror and condemnation. But there is also room for comedy, for silences and even for those awkward moments with which the artist challenges her audience. In this way they become complicit in an introspective journey that intends to make us see that Lili, just like her ‘night-watchmen’, lives inside each one of us.

Perra de nadie is the latest show by an artist from Barcelona who began her career as a choreographer with Aiguardent in 1995, a show with which she won two Max Prizes. She is the author of pieces such as Blanc d’ombra, Mira’m (Grec 2000), Ga-gà, J’arrive…! and Dies Irae; en el rèquiem de Mozart (Grec 2010), which have made her one of the most respected names on the current dance theatre scene. She won the Catalan National Prize for Dance in 2005 and took part in the shooting of Carlos Saura’s film Iberia (2005).

Artistic card

Creació i interpretació: Marta Carrasco; Col€laboració artística (Vigilants de la nit): Dominique Falda ; Direcció i dramatúrgia: Marta Carrasco, Pep Cors, Antoni Vilicic; Creació de la banda sonora: Marta Carrasco; Muntatge musical: Joan Valldeperas; Direcció musical: Marta Carrasco; Escenografia: Marta Carrasco; Coreografia de la peça: Albert Hurtado; Vestuari: Pau Fernández i Cía. Marta Carrasco; Disseny de la il€luminació: Quico Gutiérrez; Disseny del vídeo: Jose Prados; Producció tècnica: Antoni Vilicic ; Producció audiovisual: Jose Prados; Fotografia: David Ruano;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 p.m.
  • Space

    Sala Hiroshima

    Carrer de Vila i Vilà, 67, 08004 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price
    18 €