Matx de pallassos

  • Circ

Jaume Mateu and Montserrat Trias

Eight intrepid clowns take part in an unusual experiment in which, like a parody of a television quiz show brought to the stage, they improvise and the audience... gives them marks.

In this circus show, take good note, the well-known clowns from the Catalan scene before you are no more important than you, the spectator. For, as you will see, this is no conventional production. With Pep Callau as referee, Sabanni running the line and musician Lluís Rodríguez adding emotion to the proceedings, the clowns Jordi Martínez, Merche Ochoa, Alba Sarraute, Claret Clown, Lola González, Cristi Garbo, Pere Hosta and Tortell Poltrona will compete in ingenuity, speed and quick thinking with one sole purpose: to make you laugh and, by the by, persuade you to give them the highest points. Because the audience’s decisions are essential to keep the show going. Don’t worry though; whether they win or lose, these clowns will have you laughing fit to burst as they improvise and attempt to overcome a series of tests. A hilarious, original idea dreamed up by the Brazilian company and staged successfully on several occasions, both at Cabaret Coluche and at the Circ Cric Festival, both staged at the Circ Cric headquarters in Montseny.

Artistic card

Autoria: Jaume Mateu; Traducció: Jaume Mateu; Versió i adaptació: Jaume Mateu, Montserrat Trias; Direcció i dramatúrgia: Jaume Mateu, Montserrat Trias; Intèrprets: Jordi Martínez, Merche Ochoa, Alba Sarraute, Claret Clown, Lola González, Cristi Garbo, Pep Callau, Sabanni, Lluís Rodríguez, Pere Hosta, Tortell Poltrona; Interpretació musical: Lluís Rodríguez; Vestuari: Circ Crac; Disseny de so: Roc Mateu; Concepció Sonora : Roc Mateu;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    120 min (with interval)
  • Price