Michael Nyman & The Michael Nyman Band

  • Música

Man with a Movie Camera

Michael Nyman is the composer of many film soundtracks, including Peter Greenaway’s The Draughtsman’s Contract and Jane Campion’s The Piano. But he has also put music to classics like Man with a Movie Camera (1929), a key work in Soviet avant-garde film history, for Dziga Vertov’s film made an enormous contribution to the development of cinematographic language. In the first part of this concert, which also doubles as a movie session, Nyman performs the music he composed to accompany showings of Man with a Movie Camera. In the second half, The Michael Nyman Band will play works spanning Nyman’s long career.

Artistic card

Producció executiva: The Project; Baix: Martin Elliott; Trompa: David Lee; Piano: Michael Nyman; Saxo baríton i flauta: Andrew Findon; Saxo soprano i alt: David Roach i Simon Haram; Trombó baix: Nigel Barr; Trompeta: Steven Sidwell; Viola: Kate Musker; Violí: Gabrielle Lester, Cathy Thompson; Violoncel: Anthony Hinnigan;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya