Muntanyes en resistència [Mountains in resistance]

  • Dansa
  • Grec en obert

Victoria Uranga, Cecilia Vallejos i Amanda Piña

The choreographer and dancer Amanda Piña, who is taking part in the Sporá Programme at La Caldera and previewing her newest creation at the Grec, presents the video Danzas climáticas [Climatic Dances], followed by an in-person and online talk.

As the organisers have explained, the activity is about “the possible curative relationships between bodies, mountains and glaciers, exploring the possibilities of dialogue between artistic, activist and academic practices, in order to foster questions about future life-habitability, in a neo-extractivist and climate change context”.
This is a parallel event to the preview of Climatic Dances, Amanda Piña's latest creation, where the Mexican-Chilean artist and cultural manager makes a connection between bodies and climate change and shows the way in which native Latin American cultures establish links between the natural environment and social life. This work has given rise to the video Danzas climáticas [Climatic Dances], which can be seen during a session at La Caldera (in-person or online, but always with prior booking). In addition to the screening, there will be a conversation dealing with mining processes and climate change. Taking part in the conversation will be Amanda Piña, an artist living in Austria, whose work speaks of the decolonisation of art and explores the political and social power of movement, Victoria Uranga, a journalist who is active in the areas of environmental justice and gender, and Cecilia Vallejos, a playwright who has based her theatrical work on narrated testimonies.

Artistic card

With: Victoria Uranga, Cecilia Vallejos, Amanda Piña


  • Dates
  • Space

    La Caldera Les Corts

    Carrer del Torrent d'en Vidalet, 43