Nevares en concert

  • Teatre musical

Ignasi Roda Fàbregas

Great voices and a first-rate orchestral ensemble perform a magnificent musical drama staged for the very first time.

In 1967, Pere Calders published a short story, Aquí descansa Nevares (Nevares Lies Here), the tale of a group of slum-dwellers who decided, in a moment of need, to move into the pantheons of wealthy families in the city cemetery. Nearly twenty years later, in 1985, fascinated by the social dimension, characters and epic nature of the story, Ignasi Roda began to write a musical based on Aquí descansa Nevares. The project took on large dimensions then was halted for some time until Roda decided to take it up again with the help of the music transcriber Josep Anton Garcia. Finally, in 2006, they completed the musical, entitled Nevares. All the literary and poetic subtlety of Calders’ original story enriches their libretto, which we can now enjoy in concert version, a magnificent taste of what the stage production might be like.

Artistic card

Autoria: Ignasi Roda (versió per a teatre musical), a partir de la història original de Pere Calders; Direcció i espai escènic: Ignasi Roda; Direcció musical: Josep Ferré; Direcció coral: Jordi Piccorelli; Arranjaments: Pep Pladellorens; Interpretació musical: Orquestra Simfònica de Sant Cugat del Vallès; Solistes: Ferran Frauca, Marc Pujol, Xavier Ribera-Vall, Txell Sust, Mone Teruel, Toni Vinyals, Judith Tobella, Gara Roda; Producció: Produccions Sílvia; Assessorament: Amadeu Farré;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    100 min
  • Price