Nit de circ al Teatre Grec

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The circus spirit takes over Montjuïc’s emblematic theatre for a few hours. Now, added to the magical atmosphere that already reigns over this theatre is the surprise, the wonder and the poetry of the circus. All the ingredients are there for us serve up this great circus banquet, a feast for all the family. Young and old, from babes-in-arms to grandparents: welcome to this magical new taste of the circus!

Artistic card

Direcció: Bet Miralta, Jordi Aspa; Intèrprets: La Feria de los Imposibles, Au Près de Ma Blonde, De Mortimers, Txo Titelles, Le Uuntet de Boeufs; Producció executiva i coordinació artística: Escarlata Circus; Fotografia: Laetitia Toury;


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    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya