Noname Sosu / Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group / Company SIGA

  • Música

Not I / Body Concerto / Rest

Three young companies demonstrate their innovative dance skills, presenting three short pieces that illustrate Korea's wealth of choreographic creativity.

One of the liveliest and most innovative dance scenes in Asia returns to the Grec in a programme featuring three works. Body Concerto, by the Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group, comprises six short pieces, each inspired by images that fill the choreographer with joy. Four dancers perform these pieces, their technique fusing both ballet and modern dance, seeking the balance between Yin and Yang. Next, Company SIGA brings us Rest, a piece in which the organic, flexible movements of basketball are used to represent the desire for and emptiness of relaxation. This work for two dancers was created by Lee Jae-young, a choreographer who blends dance with the most diverse disciplines. Finally, Noname Sosu present Not I, a solo by the dancer and choreographer Choi Young-hyun in which he is accompanied by the music of Arvo Pärt, a precursor of minimalism, turning dance into a Samuel Beckett monologue. In this piece, music and dance express the psychological conflict and desperation generated by the question "Who am I?"

Artistic card

Coreografia: Choi Young-hyun; Intèrpret: Choi Young-hyun; Vestuari i attrezzo: Choi Young-hyun; Música: Arvo Pärt ; Amb el suport de: Arts Council Korea, Seoul International Dance Festival (SIDance). ;

Coreografia: Ahn Sungsoo; Intèrprets: Lee Juhee, Jang Kyungmin, Koo Kyowoo, Kim Hyun, Yang Hee-Hwon; Disseny d'il·luminació: Ahn Yunmi; Producció: Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group; Música: Club Mix, Mission Impossible, Take Five, Swing Club Mix; Amb el suport de: Ministeri de Cultura, Esports i Turisme de Corea, Korea Arts Management Service, Center Stage Korea, Seoul International Dance Festival (SIDance); Fotografia: Lee Dohee;

Coreografia: Lee Jae-young ; Intèrpret: Lee Jae-young, Shin Jeaho; Disseny d'il·luminació: Ahn Yunmi; Música: Gotan Project (La del ruso) ; Producció: Company SIGA; Amb el suport de: Korea Foundation, Arts Council Korea, Seoul International Dance Festival (SIDance);

Producció executiva local: Blanc Produccions;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9.30 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    60 min 16 min (Not I) / 25 min (Body Concerto) / 20 min (Rest)
  • Price
    20 €