
  • Teatre

Gemma Beltran / Dei Furbi

The work of Franz Kafka, besides elements of Lewis Carroll and Pirandello, is the point of departure for a satire explained in poetic and visual theatrical language. Welcome to the theatre of life.

In 1927, three years after the writer’s death, Amerika, an unfinished book by Kafka also known as The Man who Disappeared was published posthumously. In the last chapter, the protagonist sees an advertisement published by the Nature Theatre of Oklahoma, which proposes to hire anyone who wants to play him or herself on stage. It is the story of a theatre that is intended to be an allegory of the whole world, a world in which art might be the last hope. Now, Gemma Beltran and Dei Furbi reinterpret that story in a free version, fused with other fictional works by the author, such as The Trial, The Castle and The Metamorphosis, and with references to Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Six Characters in Search of an Author by Luigi Pirandello.

The play features three out-of-work actors, used to being excluded from the labour market, who hope to find work at the Nature Theatre of Oklahoma, and feel happy. However, will they really be able to act if everyone plays himself, and, therefore, will it all be theatre? Pieces of music arranged to be performed a cappella, a simple set made up of shadows, a large white background and ribbons that delimit the space envelop the actors, the stars of a theatre in which we are all observed and we are all exposed.

This is the new show by Gemma Beltran and Dei Furbi, a company with a long history that became famous with its highly acclaimed and multi award-winning production of The Magic Flute but which has also produced pieces such as Trilogia MozArt, Asufre, Homes de Shakespeare, L'illa dels esclaus, Tocata i Fuga, Divertimento o Scherzo.

Artistic card

Direcció: Gemma Beltran; Dramatúrgia: Gemma Beltran, a partir de textos de F. Kafka, Lewis Carroll i Pirandello; Interpretació: Toni Viñals, Robert González, Anna Alborch; Arranjaments musicals: Paco Viciana; Espai escènic: Ramon Ivars i Gemma Beltran ; Moviment durant el laboratori: Moreno Bernandi; Vestuari: Ramon Ivars i Gemma Beltran; Disseny de la il€luminació: David Bofarull; Ajudantia de direcció: Boris Daussà; Ajudant d'espai escènic: Estanis Aboal; Producció executiva: Cristina Ferrer ;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 p.m.
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    70 min
  • Price
    22 €