Onze.Nou.CATorze (1714)

  • Teatre

Víctor Alexandre/ Roger Cònsul / Pere Planella

A musical for all audiences that transports us back to 11 September 1714. The work narrates the story of fourteen-year-old Otger, who travels back in time to the final hours in the siege of Barcelona. This is Back to the Future, Catalan style, with original music and more than forty performers on stage.

In the year 2080, Otger, an eighty-year-old gentleman, is telling the story of something that happened to him when he was a young man. His grandfather had left him a mysterious box and when, in the year 2014, young Otger opened it, he found that the box was full of ancient objects: a medallion, a diary and a letter dated in the summer of 1714... Amongst all these objects, there was also a broken iPhone 5. When Otger tried to use the phone, a wind carried the papers, the box and the boy back three hundred years in time to besieged Barcelona. Amidst this scene of war, siege, courage and defeat, Otger will piece together the puzzle of the objects in the box whilst also assisting in the rearguard and becoming involved in the collective tragedy, taking part in the rebellion and even falling in love... And, thanks to this journey into the past, a veritable rite of passage, he will know himself better and understand his present circumstances. Onze.Nou.CATorze (1714) is a play born of the process of writing, producing and performing Trifulkes de la Katalanatribu at the TNC in 2012 and of the Zitzània Teatre theatre company’s mission to create shows for all audiences based on the history of Catalonia.

Artistic card

Autoria: Víctor Alexandre, Roger Cònsul, Pere Planella; Música original: Toni Xuclà; Lletres de cançons: Joan Vilamala; Direcció: Pere Planella ; Adjunt de direcció: Roger Cònsul; Intèrprets: Feliu Formosa, Marc Balaguer, Aina Sánchez, Paula Sunyer, Joan Manuel Brunet, Jordi Llovet, Pep Cortés.; Piano: Marina Miralles; Col·laboració: Grup GESPA del Centre Sant Pere Apòstol de Barcelona: Sergi Aleza, Mar Arasa, Eduard Asensio, Albert Baltà, Irina Blavia, Miquel Blavia, Pol Blavia, Marina Canals, Marisol Cañet, Clara Dalmau, Quim Duran, Laura Fernández, Laura Guisasola, Xènia Guisasola, Glòria Montblanch, Oriol Morta, Josep Pascual, Montse Petit, Bea Puyal, Mireia Siles, Mireia Texidor, Salvador Teis, Núria Torner, Enric Turón, Albert Via, Roser Vila, Rosana Viloca.
CORAL GINESTA: Anna Martínez i Pérez, Margarida Riu i Casajuana, Desirée Taló i Fabregat, Maria Riu i Casajuana, Rosa Puig i Ortiz, Dolors Rosich i Carulla, Ramona Secanell i Huguet, Rosa Ninot i Traus, Núria Puig i Ortiz, Mercè Capdevila i Riera, Janette Solsona i Novell (sopranos), Teresa Pont i Pedrós, Gemma Gusi i Puig, Teresa Porredon i Bernaus, Gemma Estruch i Aldabó, Núria Balcells i Marcé, Míriam Estruch i Aldabó, Marta Raich i Roca (contralts), Josep Pulido i Ibern, David Garravé i Pont, Josep Monreal Camins, Joan Puig Ortiz, Joan Macià i Valentines (tenors), Jordi Balcells i Pérez, Juli Lago i Àlvarez, Sebastià Sellart i Solsona, Quim Granell i Turull, Pau Escolà i Pascual, Joan R. Rodríguez Ximenos, Josep Cots i Pifarré (baixos) i Xavier Puig i Ortiz (director); Escenografia: Jon Berrondo; Vestuari: Carlota Ricart; Disseny de vídeo: Eduard Asensio, Xavier Colom; Disseny d'il·luminació: Bernat Tresserra; Disseny gràfic: Jaume Bach; Disseny del cartell: Manel Andreu; Confecció del vestuari: Rafató / Montse Miralles; Producció executiva: Aina Bujosa; Pintures digitals: Guillem Pongiluppi; Assessorament de dicció: Roser Güell; Agraïments: Ateneu Torrellenc, Centre Sant Pere Apòstol, El Born Centre Cultural, Mireia Riu, Gerard Palet, Alfons Solà, Agustí Alcoberro;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm
  • Space

    Convent de Sant Agustí

    Carrer del Comerç, 36, 08003 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    75 min
  • Price