Pacífico #1. América es un mar con otro nombre

  • Música

Txalo Toloza / L'Antic Teatre al Grec 2015

A leading venue on the city's independent scene today brings to the Grec a programme based on innovation and research that supports and helps to raise the profile of emerging artists and groups.

Is there really such a thing as "we"? This is the question that Txalo Toloza asks in an autobiographical piece that invites us to see our lives as if it were a film projected onto a screen, and to think of ourselves in the third person. The latest creation from a video artist, performer and exhibition curator forged between Santiago de Chile and Barcelona.

Artistic card

Assistència a la direcció: Laida Azkona Goñi; Disseny de llums: Ana Rovira; Disseny de so: Juan Cristóbal Saavedra; Disseny audiovisual: MiPrimerDrop; Música: Johann Christoph Bach, Fire! Orchestra, Nils Frahm - Hammers; Distribució: Ramona Lion; Fotografia: Alessia Bombaci; Imatge gràfica: Folklor insurrecto, de Francisco Papas Fritas;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10.30 a.m.
  • Space

    Antic Teatre

    Carrer Verdaguer i Callís, 12, 08003 Barcelona