Paco Ibáñez

  • Música

Nos queda la palabra

Nos queda la palabra is the story of a lament and a hope. It is the lament of a Paco Ibáñez disgusted with this cold, cruel world. And it is his hope for a world that, despite everything, still believes in the importance of communication, in the power of beauty. Surrounded by devastation and injustice, we still have the words of the poets, from Góngora to Gil de Biedma, from Quevedo to Machado, from St John of the Cross to Verdaguer, from the Archpriest of Hita to Blas de Otero... Nos queda la palabra features poetry from the last eight centuries, forming a musical journey that seeks, in words, the key to open the doors to utopia, the key to transform reality.

Artistic card

Amb: entre d'altres, Gabriel García Santos i François Rabbath, Cesar Strocio;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya