
  • Dansa

Aurélien Bory / Cie 111 / Kaori Ito

If you want to see what a dancer is like on the inside, Aurélien Bory, an artist, choreographer and set designer who loves to surprise, gives us a clue. Plexus is a portrait in dance of an exceptional performer: the Japanese dancer Kaori Ito.

Using drama, visual art, circus and music, Aurélien Bory has created magical shows in which objects and stage set often play a leading role. This time, though, he places the performer in the foreground in order to create a portrait of the dancer that we will see on stage. Kaori Ito is a dance phenomenon who studied classical ballet in Japan before pursuing her training in contemporary dance in New York and Europe, working with such renowned choreographers as Alain Platel, Philippe Découflé and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. Bory recreates the inner world of an artist who has left her original context and been transformed by experience. He achieves this by allowing Ito to perform his choreographies whilst he immerses her in a set from which she cannot escape, and which alters her dance. For Bory transforms the space, converting it into a forest of threads that represent all the obstacles that can change a dance… or a life. The return to Barcelona of a director who has thrilled Grec audiences with such shows as “Sans objet” (2011).

Artistic card

Concepció i posada en escena: Aurélien Bory; Escenografia: Aurélien Bory; Coreografia: Kaori Ito; Intèrpret: Kaori Ito; Música: Joan Cambon; Disseny d'il·luminació: Arno Veyrat; Regidoria: Tristan Baudoin; Disseny de so: Stéphane Ley; Vestuari: Sylvie Marcucci; Adaptació: Taïcir Fadel; Construcció del decorat: Pierre Gosselin; Màquines: Marc Bizet; Direcció tècnica: Arno Veyrat; Producció: Florence Meurisse, Christelle Lordonné, Marie Reculon; Assajos i residències: Le Grand T - Théâtre Loire-Atlantique (Nantes), Théâtre Garonne - scène européenne (Tolosa), Théâtre Vidy (Lausana). Amb la col·laboració de L'Usine, lieu conventionné dédié aux arts de la rue (Tournefeuille). La Compagnie 111 - Aurélien Bory té el suport del Ministeri de Cultura i Communicació francès, Direcció Regional per als Afers Culturals de Midi-Pyrénées, Regió de Midi-Pyrénées, Ciutat de Toulouse, Fundació BNP Paribas. La Compagnie 111 - Aurélien Bory és artista associat del Grand T - Théâtre Loire-Atlantique (Nantes).; Producció executiva local: FEI (Factoria Escènica Internacional);


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9.30 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price