
  • Música

Francesc Pi de la Serra, Javier Ruibal i Jabier Muguruza

Music from different countries and cultural backgrounds come together in this performance, which seeks to build a bridge between different ways of perceiving the world, proof that music helps us to narrow the gap that divides us. In this age of tension and mistrust, Plurals asks for calm, rejecting the intolerance present in some political and religious voices and bringing in music’s simple and conciliatory language. Led by Javier Ruibal, Francesc Pi de la Serra and Jabier Muguruza, several musicians from Africa, Europe and America take to the stage to forget the things that keep us apart and celebrate all that brings us together.

Artistic card

Idea original i direcció artística: Daniel Negro; Direcció musical i arranjaments: Munir Hossn; Veu i acordió: Jabier Muguruza; Veu i guitarra: Francesc Pi de la Serra, Javier Ruibal; Veu i percussió: Ousseynou Digne; Guitarra: Marcelo Córdoba, Munir Hossn; Baix elèctric: Munir Hossn; Bateria: Ed Moreira; Percussions: Alan Souza, Àngel Pereyra; Tres: Yuniel Jiménez; Il·luminació: Pep Gàmiz; So: Quile Estébez; Teclats i acordió: Munir Hossn;


  • Start date
  • End date
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  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya