• Dansa

Gauthier Dance

Sex, deceit, betrayal and murder in a contemporary dance production that, taking its inspiration from an opera by Monteverdi, makes full use of cinematic effects.

The newspapers today are full of stories about greed, obsessive love and immoral conduct, but we can also find this kind of thing in an opera composed as long ago as 1642. Monteverdi’s L’incoronazione di Poppea, for instance, the story of the ambitious Poppea’s wily scheming to marry the Emperor Nero. This plot provides the choreographer Christian Spuck with all the materials he needs for an experiment that presents a different concept of the dance, one in which both cinematic imagery and words occupy an unusually important place. Against a minimalist set, the nine dancers act out a series of pernicious power relations. The piece is performed by Eric Gauthier’s dance company, which has become famed for its originality and humour. In November 2011, Christian Spuck was awarded the prestigious German Theatre Prize DER FAUST for Choreography.

Artistic card

Coreografia: Christian Spuck; Música: Martin Donner, Claudio Monteverdi, Robert Schumann, Emiliana Torrini, Geminiani, Cat Power, Bob Dylan; Escenografia i vestuari: Emma Ryott; Il·luminació: Reinhard Traub; Dramatúrgia: Dunja Funke; Assistència a l'escenografia: David Fitzgerald; Mestre de ball: Renato Arismendi; Assistència a la coreografia: Alexandra Brenk; Intèrprets: Anneleen Dedroog, Marianne Illig, Garazi Perez Oloriz, Anna Süheyla Harms, Armando Braswell, Eric Gauthier, Florian Lochner, Rosario Guerra, William Moragas; Filmació: Fabian Spuck; Direcció artística de la companyia: Eric Gauthier;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9.30 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    70 min
  • Price
    e 24