Públic Present 24 hores

Ada Vilaró

Ada Vilaró gives up her belongings and sits on a chair, located in the public space, where she will remain silent for 24 hours. She will only communicate with observers with her eyes and by writing on blackboards in chalk. 24 hours exposed to the weather and everything that might happen in that space.

Públic Present 24 hores is a meditation on the opposing concepts of what is public and what private in view of the need to recclaim the out-door space and create community. Ada Vilaró explores these concepts through a contemporary artistic language, and thus strengthens the canons of a popular demonstration. More specifically we talk about four elements: two corporal and two tangible. The first ones are silence and presence, qualities embodied by the artist and the different socio-cultural organisations that collaborate in the action, along with anyone who might sympathise with these ideas. On the other hand, the material elements are chairs and blackboards. Both will be distributed in the space and will be freely available for use. The former act as a symbol of home. The latter enable the people to make themselves heard and transform the square into a mosaic of public opinion.


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    1 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona