
  • Dansa

Eastman / Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui

The choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and his company Eastman, formed by artists from a wide range of backgrounds, assemble a choreographic and musical puzzle, a great contemporary dance show that resembles nothing more than a piece of precious metalwork. The results are... beautiful.

You must have tried to put the pieces from a puzzle together at some time: some pieces fit perfectly, whilst others seem to be from a different puzzle... But perhaps order and linearity are not so important. And perhaps there is another way of solving a puzzle, of telling a tale, of living a moment. That, at least, is how Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui sees it. Cherkaoui is amongst the choreographers and dancers today who know how to reach the spectator’s heart most directly, particularly when it comes to Barcelona audiences, who have warmly applauded such pieces as “Sutra” and “Dunas”. Now, Cherkaoui adopts a choreographic discourse that fuses cultures to show how even those things that are apparently the purest are made from elements with different origins. He is accompanied by a veritable Babel of live musicians from Japan, the Lebanon, Corsica... performing sounds that eschew purity to seek beauty.

Artistic card

Coreografia: Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui; Intèrprets: Navala Chaudhari, Leif Federico Firnhaber, Satoshi Kudo, Ben Fury, Louise Michel Jackson, Kazutomi Kozuki, Sang-Hun Lee, Elias Lazaridis, Valgerdur Rúnarsdóttir, Helder Seabra, Michael Watts; Assessorament artístic: Damien Jalet; Composició musical: Jean-Claude Acquaviva, Kazunari Abe, Olga Wojciechowska; Música: Bruno Coulais, Tavagna, músiques tradicionals de Còrsega, el Japó, l'Orient Mitjà; Interpretació musical: A Filetta (Jean-Claude Acquaviva, Ceccè Acquaviva, Jean-Luc Geronimi, Paul Giansily, Jean Sicurani, Maxime Vuillamier), Kazunari Abe, Fadia Tomb El-Hage; Escenografia: Filip Peeters, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui; Disseny de vestuari: Miharu Toriyama; Assistència al vestuari: Elisabeth Kinn Svensson; Disseny d'il·luminació: Adam Carrée; Enginyer de so: Jens Drieghe, Rémi Grasso; Disseny de vídeo: Paul Van Caudenberg; Assistència a la coreografia: Jon Filip Fahlstrom, Helder Seabra; Assistència a la coreografia: Jon Filip Fahlstrøm, Helder Seabra; Equip tècnic: Mathias Batsleer, Patrick Liénart, Kim Rens, Sharp; Mànager de la gira: Esther Michiels; So: Raf Van Hoof, Rémi Grasso; Direcció d'assajos: Satoshi Kudo;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    100 min
  • Price
    e28, e25, e16