Off the Record: Martirio i Raúl Rodríguez

  • Música

A family affair. This is what this concert will be, and not only because Martirio will be performing with her son, but also because she will be playing songs that have always moved her.

When we think about our childhood, we often remember the songs our mothers and fathers used to sing, and the ones we would hear on the radio or on television. But, if we are reminded of these songs by a singer of the calibre of María Isabel Quiñones, aka Martirio, then the quality of the selection is guaranteed. In this intimate concert, accompanied by her son, Martirio will perform the songs that have meant most to her in her life and her musical career: from the songs she used to sing with Jarcha in the 1970s to the compositions of Kiko Veneno and Pata Negra; from Chano Dominguez to the music and poetry of Cuba, Argentina and Mexico. Amongst friends, the author of such hits as “Estoy mala” will long back over her life and musical career.


Artistic card

Direcció: Martirio; Intèrprets: Martirio, Raúl Rodríguez; Escenografia: Martirio; Vestuari: Martirio; Disseny d'i·luminació: Ignasi Solé; Disseny de so: Marc Borau; Concepció Sonora : Marc Borau; Producció artística: Producciones Silvestres;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10.30 pm
  • Space


    Plaça de Margarida Xirgu, 08004 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Price
    e 20