Off the Record: Raynald Colom

  • Música

Raynald Colom

Trumpet player Raynald Colom surprised audiences and critics alike with an album whose backbone is provided by so-called Black American Music, but which also embraces all kinds of other influences. You can check out Colom's sound for yourself at the second concert in the "Off the Record" season.

Perhaps there is no black music or white music, but there is a series of rhythms born in North America and ranging from ragtime to hip-hop, amongst others, that people call Black American Music, or BAM, to save time. These are the sounds that form the backbone to Raynald Colom’s latest release. Colom, a real star on the jazz scene, really lets loose on We Still Insist, an album on which “black” sounds are fused with the main influences that Colom has received in recent years: from flamenco to Bartók; from French chanson to hip-hop; from West African Music to Andrew Hill... He performs this music on stage, backed up by a seventeen-piece band that can play a suite in four movements at the drop of a hat. Authentic music that comes from the soul and aims directly at the ears and at the heart. 

Artistic card

Autoria: Raynald Colom; Trompeta: Raynald Colom, The Re-Fugees: David Pastor; Saxo alt i flauta: Guim G. Balasch; Saxo tenor i soprano: Vicent Macian; Trombó: Víctor Correa; Tuba: David Parras; Piano i teclat: Mark Aanderud; Guitarra: Jordi Farrés; Contrabaix: Tom Warburton; Bateria: Marc Ayza; Violí: Asier Suberbiola, Ramsés Puente; Viola: Felipe Escalada; Violoncel: Martín Meléndez; Veu: Marga Mbande Mandje; DJ: Nicholas Talvola; Composició musical: Raynald Colom; Direcció musical: Raynald Colom; Il·lustració: Oriol Mallet; Animació: Oriol Mallet; Disseny de so: Xavi Llobet; Concepció Sonora : Xavi Llobet; MC: Creisy Lyon; Producció executiva: Producciones Silvestres; Producció artística: Raynald Colom; Fotografia: Nicholas Talvola;


  • Start date
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  • Schedule
    8.30 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Romea

    Carrer de l'Hospital, 51, 08001 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Price