Romance de Curro «el Palmo»

  • Música

Jaume Villanueva, based on the song by Joan Manuel Serrat

One of the best-known songs composed by Joan Manuel Serrat inspires a show featuring live music and a performance by the bailaor Antonio Canales. The slums of Barcelona during the postwar years provide the scene for the tragic story of a man in love.

Some Barcelonans still remember the slum areas that first sprang up on the sides of Mount Montjuïc in the late-19th century and became a real eyesore in the 1960s particularly. Paco Candel described them perfectly in his book Els altres catalans [“The Other Catalans”]. It is on the edge of these slums, near Avinguda Paral·lel, that El Lacio, played by the bailaor Antonio Canales, opens his tablao (flamenco theatre). Curro, a short, palmero who walks with a limp and is known as El Palmo, works there. He has little musical talent, and is limited to accompanying other performers or wiping down tables in the establishment whilst he dreams about Merceditas. Young and beautiful, always looking out for an older customer who can take her away from all this, the girl is openly scornful of Curro and his unconditional love. Jaume Villanueva takes his inspiration from one of Joan Manuel Serrat’s most popular songs to recreate a tragic tale performed by Canales, Eli Ayala and Nacho Blanco, with Quiqui Morente as the flamenco cantaor, accompanied by the Carmen Amaya Flamenco Ballet of Barcelona. 

Artistic card

Música: Joan Manuel Serrat, pare Soler, Guerrero, Manuel de Falla, Quintero, León i Quiroga, Guijarro Campoy, Pinto, Sarasate, Lladré, Gordillo, Sarmiento, Carceller i altres grans compositors; Diàlegs: Paco Candel, Jaume Villanueva, Pep Cruz. Una idea d'Eli Ayala.; Intèrprets: Juan Montobbio, Pep Cruz, Nacho Blanco, Martí Corbera, Quiqui Morente, Eli Ayala, Antonio Canales, Antonio Cañero, Juana García «La gitana catalana», Cristina Blanco, Lorena Oliva, Frederic Gómez, Yasmina Pulido, Montserrat Selma, Pol Jiménez, Daniel Vegas, Albert Trifol, Albert Hernández, Pepe Antequera, Vanessa Ayala, Carmen Bas, Jordi Coromina, Hernan Fernández, Àlex Romaguera, Marc Vilavella, Nacho Melús, Aleix Ortega Gimeno, Sabina Jiménez, Marta Bueno.; Mestre de ball: Joan Segalés, Mariana Giustina; Coreografia: Eli Ayala, Nacho Blanco, Frederic Gómez, Antonio Canales; Interpretació musical: Laura Marín (violí), Eduard Raventós (violoncel), Jairo Cabrera (vents), David Domínguez (percussió), Pau Vallet (guitarra solista), Andreu Gallén (piano); Microfonista: Aurélie Raoût (Lilou); Ajudant de vestuari: Laura Sanz; Gerència: Jordi Gimeno; Assessoria legal: Mitanni Abogados Asociados; Assessorament literari: Josep Arias Velasco; Fotografia: David Ruano; Màrqueting: Eduard Cosialls; Premsa i comunicació: Carmen Vicente; Imatge gràfica: Eduard Rojo; Vídeo: Fight Time Entertainment; Gira: Virginia Cortés Gardyn; Ajudant de direcció: Mònica López; Administració artística: Maria Villanueva; Caracterització: Toni Santos; Escenografia: Ramon de los Heros; Vestuari: Nina Pawlowsky; Sonorització: Roger Ábalos; Il·luminació: Carles Valero; Direcció tècnica: Carles Valero; Direcció musical i arranjaments: Andreu Gallén; Producció executiva: Cristina Raventós; Direcció: Jaume Villanueva; Agraïments: Ricard Miralles, Josep Mas «Kitflus», Carme Ros, Ramon Alentorn, Aurora Carbonell, Manuel Fernández, Chiqui de la Línia, Mélodie Gimard, Pere Martínez, María Candel, Núria Martí, Keith Morino, Xavier Maties Salas, Pep Cruz, Jordi Coromina, Vanessa Ayala, Carmen Bas, Marc Vilavella, Nacho Melús, Hernan Fernández, Pepe Antequera, Joan Carles Gustems, Juan Montobbio, Montse Sánchez, Gloria Cabañas, Xavi Abad, Armand Balsebre, Sílvia Tarragona, Justo Molinero.; Bugaderia: Huguet;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    120 min. (including interval)
  • Price