
  • Circ

Manolo Alcántara

A performer and a pile of crates talk to us about the risk inherent in existence. The structures that you will see on stage maintain a precarious balance, one not so different from that which governs our lives.

Rudo is a show about people who have endured rough stuff, physical strain and personal challenges taken to the most absurd extremes. In this performance, we see a man using heavy wooden crates to build towers and figures. He climbs delicate constructions to achieve the most precarious balance, driven by hope and desire. Live music, performed on violin and cello, provides a lyrical counterweight to the showman’s titanic efforts as he grunts and sweats but never gives up his crazy quest. In Rudo, the spectator is trapped in an intimate space, in seating that, like the protagonist himself, is maintained in a difficult equilibrium and always seems to be about to fall. This proximity to the ring invites us to share life’s dangers, hopes and wishes. Best performance award - Umore Azoka Fair (Leiola).

Artistic card

Creació i direcció: Manolo Alcántara, Xavier Erra; Intèrprets: Manolo Alcántara; Composició i direcció musical: Clara Peya; Violí: Laia Rius ; Violoncel: Maria Bou ; Direcció tècnica: Luis Nevado; Escenografia: Xavier Erra; Disseny d'il·luminació: Luis Nevado; Construcció dels titelles: Nartxi (Txo Titelles); Vestuari i caracterització: Rosa Solé; Fotografia: David Molina; Producció: Manolo Alcántara; Producció delegada: La Destil·leria;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    6 and 8 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    55 min
  • Price