Saborear recuerdos

  • Teatre

Teatro de los Sentidos

Since 2006, Teatro de los Sentidos have researched extensively into taste and food. The result of this work was the show La bodega de los sentidos.

Then, in 2015, Enrique Vargas decided to work on taste and the memory of taste once more, taking the research behind La bodega de los sentidos as his starting point to embark on a new path to explore the memory of space.

March 2015 saw the public presentation of the results of this new research stage, Saborear recuerdos, at the company’s headquarters, El Polvorí de Montjuïc.

Saborear recuerdos is a sensory experience created around a meal, a performance inspired by the history of the Polvorí site, its uses and its inhabitants. In it, the members of the Teatro de los Sentidos theatre company create a universe that enables spectators/visitors to re-encounter their own memories through this sensory show and through the “unsaid”.

For a few special nights, the distantly echoing sound of a woman will invite us to partake of an experience that fuses taste and smell: “El Polvorí has been many things: a military facility used to store gunpowder, stables, a prison, a warehouse, an abandoned site… a theatre... and they say that, many years ago, you’ll never guess who lived here…”. Many people have lived and worked in this place, and sometimes they reappear to tell their stories, share their memories, and guide us into the depths of our own memories.

The company would like to present Saborear recuerdos around the world, exploring and researching into the memory of taste in different communities as well as the historic memory of the venue proposed for the performance in each city. In short, to offer what will always be a completely unique sensory and emotive experience.

The idea is to begin with a workshop to research into the memory of the new site whilst collaborating and seeking synergies with a chef/restaurant to create the new sensory menu.

Useful information

A meal will be served during the experience, so we suggest that you don’t eat anything before the show. Anyone with particular dietary problems should inform us about this at the entrance.
The experience takes place almost entirely in low lighting conditions, at times in complete darkness.

Artistic card

Direcció: Enrique Vargas; Dramatúrgia: Enrique Vargas, Teatro de los Sentidos; Coordinació del projecte: Giovanna Pezzullo, Lisa Marrani; Disseny de l'espai: Francisco Javier Garcia, Lisa Marrani; Disseny d'il·luminació: Francisco Javier García; Intèrprets: Francisco Javier García, Giovanna Pezzullo, Lisa Mercury, Eva Pérez, Jorge Prats; Producció: Lídia Figueras; Comunicació: Lídia Figueras, Neus Molina (Híbrida); Management: Claudio Ponzana; Gerència: Toni Vidal; Disseny olfactori: Giovanna Pezzullo;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    2 pm
  • Space

    El Polvorí (Teatro de los sentidos)

    Carrer del Polvorí, 08038 Barcelona