Sans objet

  • Dansa

Aurélien Bory / Compagnie 111

What is a 1970s industrial robot doing centre stage? Perhaps it will become something sans objet, useless... Perhaps something as useless as art itself? These are the questions raised by Aurélien Bory, who created the choreography for Taoub, which was performed as part of Circus Night at the 2008 Grec Festival. With Sans objet, its 7th creation, the artist explores the relations between what is living and what is inert, lifeless, showing us the two faces of a being that may still be human, but which is being by taken over more and more by technology. On stage, human and robot interact, the one becoming more technological, the other taking on more human qualities.

Artistic card

Intèrprets: Olivier Alenda, Olivier Boyer; Concepció i posada en escena: Aurélien Bory; Escenografia: Aurélien Bory; Programació: Tristan Baudoin; Música original: Joan Cambon; Disseny d'il·luminació: Arno Veyrat; Col·laboració artística: Pierre Rigal; Enginyer de so: Joël Abriac; Ajudant de direcció: Sylvie Marcucci; Disseny de vestuari: Sylvie Marcucci; Escenografia: Pierre Dequivre; Construcció del decorat: Pierre Dequivre; Attrezzo: Frédéric Stoll; Pintura de l'escenografia: Isadora De Ratuld; Màscares: Guillermo Fernández; Regidoria: Arno Veyrat; Producció: Florence Meurisse, Christelle Lordonné; Fotografia: Aglaé Bory;


Aurélien Bory / Compagnie 111



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm.
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    70 minutes
  • Price