Sebastián García Ferro

  • Dansa


The passage through maturity can be an artwork in itself. This is what we learn, not only from a company of professionals, but also from a group of extras who, like ourselves, perhaps, are on their way to old age, even as they do all they can to enjoy the journey.

“The first forty years of life give us the text; the next thirty supply the commentary on it”, said Schopenhauer in one of his aphorisms. The philosopher’s words ring even more true today, in a society in which the accent is on immediacy and the pursuit of constant novelty. As life expectancy continuously rises, more and more people, aware that they are losing their social usefulness, seek to elude the traumatic aspects of maturity as they approach the next and final stage. As longevity increases, we have more years of plenitude, maturity, but also more years of old age. However, the art of passing through maturity is also the art of admiring the beauty of going through life, learning to recognise the fullness of this maturity that has been gained with experience. This apparent contradiction provides the starting point for +45. In this show, six experienced dancers, representatives of the second age, joined by a chorus of amateur extras from both the second and third ages, present a work that, rejecting all preconceptions, fuses contemporary and social dance, inviting us to reflect on our society through movement.

Sebastián García Ferro is an Argentinian choreographer, dancer, performer and composer who now lives in Barcelona. He has directed his own dance company since 2000, and is also the artistic director of Barcelona International Dance Exchange, a member of La Caldera Les Corts, an associate artist at L'Auditori and a resident composer at the Phonos Foundation, Pompeu Fabra University.

Coproduction: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona, Mercat de les Flors and Festival Sismògraf (Olot).

In cooperation with La Caldera Les Corts, Graner Centre de Creació, L'Estruch de Sabadell, Centre Cívic Can Felipa, Centre Cívic Barceloneta, Ajuntament de Mataró, Ajuntament de Sant Boi de Llobregat, Teatre Municipal de Girona and Fundació Phonos de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

With support from the arts grant “Art for Social Improvement 2015”, awarded by the Government of Catalonia’s Culture Ministry and ”la Caixa” Foundation.

Artistic card

Idea, coreografia i direcció: Sebastián García Ferro ; Dramatúrgia: Ferran Dordal ; Creació i interpretació: Bebeto Cidra, María Cabeza de Vaca, Isabel Tapias, Guillermo Weicker, Joan Palau, Olga lvarez i quaranta figurants ; Composició musical: Sebastián García Ferro; Interpretació musical: Daniel Slotnik (arranjaments, clarinets, saxos i flautes), Santiago García Ferro (guitarres addicionals, mix i mastering) i Freia Barea (veu); Escenografia: Xesca Salvà; Disseny d'il·luminació: Xesca Salvà; Ajudant de direcció: Marcela Robbio; Ajudant de coreografia: Anna París; Assessorament escènic: Víctor Molina; Formació: Daniel Rosado i Gabriela Barberio; Producció: Marcela Imazio i Marta Baran; Fotografia: Tristán Pérez Martín;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    80 min
  • Price
    € 20