Shinbaï, le vol de l'âme

  • Dansa

Emmanuelle Huynh/ Seiho Okudaira

What do Japanese flower arranging and the world of choreography have in common? The answer can found in this show by choreographer Emmanuelle Huynh and Seiho Okudaira, ikebana master and exponent of the rikka style. This ikebana style places particular emphasis on the process of producing the branch and in the gestures made during this process. In it, the gestures are seen, in a way, as a metaphor for the world. This show reflects both the choreographic art with which floral arrangement is imbued and the profound implications of this essential element in Japanese culture.

Artistic card

Composició: Madame Seiho Okudaira, Emmanuelle Huynh; Concepte: Emmanuelle Huynh; Ballarí i coreògraf: Emmanuelle Huynh; Mestre de ball: Madame Seiho Okudaira; Disseny de so: Matthieu Doze; Il·luminació: Yannick Fouassier; Assistència: Fanny de Chaillé; Realització de vestuari: Michèle Amet; Fotografia: Mac Domage; Escenografia: Nadia Lauro; Vestuari: Nadia Lauro; Animació de la companyia: Nadia Lauro, Romain Guillet;


Emmanuelle Huynh, Seiho Okudaira


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Convent de Sant Agustí

    Carrer del Comerç, 36, 08003 Barcelona, Espanya