Si sabes lo que hay

  • Música

Fundación Collado - Van Hoestenberghe

A madcap, exhausting ritual designed to confront the public with what it means to be together. In this piece, movement is the tool for a shared reflection in which pathos and laughter will have cathartic -and irreparable- effects.

Barbara Van Hoestenberghe and Ernesto Collado founded Fundación Collado - Van Hoestenberghe in 2007. The foundation was established to propagate a more optimistic but critical view of the world from the stage. Music, movement and comedy are their weapons of choice in such works as Montaldo (seen at Grec 2013) and Constructivo (with Piero Steiner), amongst others. At present, these artists are engaged in developing an approach to reality that they call realisticism. They seek illumination and mystical experience in ordinary, everyday things, and explore the use of practices as a way of communicating with the public. This has led them to create a project, praxis / exercises in realisticism, and the show they now present at the Grec Festival of Barcelona forms part of this initiative.

Si sabes lo que hay suggests a rethink as to what is common in a show where the audience is distributed around a large empty space (there will be no seats during the performance), a kind of dance hall after the party. A man, buried beneath a mountain of golden confetti comes back to life to guide spectators through a ritual of collective cleansing. On the wall are projected a series of premonitions (between the idea and the feeling) which question our preconceptions and stir our emotions. Keeping them moving all the time, this shaman-like character will lead the spectators to a collective catharsis, which will arrive at the most unexpected moment.

A really different piece for curious spectators, a must-see for all those interested in new stage languages.

Coproduction: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona, Festival Sismògraf (Olot), Graner, Centre de Creació (Barcelona), FiraTàrrega and Centre d'Arts Santa Mònica.

In cooperation with Factoria d’Arts Escèniques (Banyoles) and Centre d'Arts Santa Mònica.

Spectators are informed that no seats will be available during the performance.

This show is included in Performances del debat.

Artistic card

Concepció: Fundación Collado - Van Hoestenberghe; Creació i dramatúrgia: Barbara Van Hoestenberghe i Ernesto Collado, amb la col·laboració de David Pérez; Direcció: Ernesto Collado ; Música: Boléro, de Maurice Ravel (© Nordice B.V. / Redfield B.V. Administrat per Editions Durand); Escenografia: CVH i Kati Heck; Vestuari i concepció plàstica: Kati Heck; Ajudant de vestuari: Tina Schott; Confecció del ninot: Alejandra Lorenzo i Carmen Triñanes; Assessorament: Pere Faura; Disseny d'il·luminació:; Disseny de so / concepció sonora: Barbara Van Hoestenberghe; Col·laboració en el marc filosòfic: Marina Garcés; Ajudant de direcció: David Pérez; Mirada externa: Piero Steiner; Producció executiva: Elise Garriga (Agente129); Assessorament a la producció: Montse Prat; Distribució: Iva Horvat (Agente129);



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Arts Santa Mònica

    Les Rambles, 7, 08002 Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price