Subterrànies, sobreviure entre bombes

  • Teatre

Montse Alcoverro, Itzíar Castro, Mamen Conte and Carme Poll

In this dramatised visit to an air-raid shelter, we relive anonymous experiences in our history, during the time when our city was at war, a period of great hardship.

Few theatrical productions recreate historic events in the very sites where they took place. But, in this piece, Refugi 307 (Air-Raid Shelter 307) in Poble-sec provides the setting in which we can relive the experiences, feelings and situations generated in an air-raid shelter during the bombings that Barcelona suffered. A work that blends fiction and reality, based on historic documentation and interviews with women who survived the Civil War, re-enacting their experiences in the most realistic way. The visit is completed by a soundtrack, performed live, featuring the music that was popular in Barcelona in those days. A journey back in time that pays tribute to the optimism and struggle of the women in the rearguard. Everyday life in a city fighting underground, the living memory of a generation that became a symbol of the resistance against fascism, against barbarity. Mothers, grandmothers, daughters… In short, women who refused to give in to despair.

* Places limited to 20 people. Advance reservation required by For further information contact and 616 51 56 63.

Artistic card

Autoria i direcció: Montse Alcoverro, Itzíar Castro, Mamen Conte, Carme Poll; Intèrprets: Montse Alcoverro, Itzíar Castro, Carme Poll; Viola: Laia Martí; Tècnic d'imatge: Natalia Ramos, Albert V.O.; Tècnic de so: Natalia Ramos, Albert V.O.; Vídeo: New Division; Fotografia: Daniel Escalé Photography; Violoncel: Olga Domínguez; Documentació històrica i guiatge: Mamen Conte;

