Taller d'Espectadors

  • Altres

Agost Produccions

The Grec is for seeing... and for learning! The spectators' workshop, or Taller d'Espectadors gives you the tools to understand the shows you see better and to hear back-stage secrets from the artists themselves.

The performing arts reflect the reality around us and encourage us to explore our present circumstances. The figure of the spectator is the link between performance, present and context, the final piece that gives meaning to the work. The “Spectators’ Workshop” is a unique and singular experience that enables participants to experience the festival at first-hand.

Information and registration:
@agostprod #tallergrec
Tel. 659 281 141 (Miquel)

Includes access to all activities plus tickets for five outstanding shows on the programme: Fuck in Progress (dance), La Cultura (performance), The Civil Wars (theatre), Il n’est pas encore minuit... (circus) and La imaginación del futuro (theatre).

Participants can take part in single sessions, obtaining a 20% discount on the price of the show. There is a surcharge of €10 on the activities scheduled for July 10 and 18.

Sunday, July 5
18.30 Introduction to the workshop and interview with Ramon Simó. Mercat de les Flors
20.00 Fuck-in-Progress (Jordi Cortés). Mercat de les Flors
21:30 After-show with spectators and the director of this production.

Friday, July 10
22.00 Workshop on movement before midnight, with Aimar Pérez Galí. La Satàlia municipal football ground.

Saturday, July 18
18.00 Participatory workshop: spectator tension. Fabra i Coats Fàbrica de Creació
21.00 La Cultura (Los Torreznos). Antic Teatre

Friday, July 24
19.30 Lecture: strategies in political theatre today. Mercat de les Flors
21.30 The Civil Wars (IIPM-Milo Rau). Institut del Teatre / Sala OM

Monday, July 27
20.30 Dinner-talk with Jordi Jané. Teatre Grec
22.00 Il n’est pas encore minuit... (Cie. XY). Teatre Grec

Tuesday, July 28
19.00 Round table: theatre and social activism. Travelling (meeting point: Mercat de les Flors)
20.30 La imaginación del futuro (La Re-sentida). Teatre Lliure Montjuïc


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    Diversos espais

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