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  • Dansa

Habemus Corpus

When Igor Stravinsky composed The Rite of Spring he was thinking of a new beginning. His idea inspires this choreography, in which four characters all begin a new life.

The Russian composer and conductor’s music is the inspiration behind this dance performance, in which two musicians play four-handed versions of one of his most famous works, while four dancers turn it into music. Once more, then, the Habemus Corpus company use real stories as they reconstruct, on stage and through choreography, the lives of four characters from different parts of the planet. What the four have in common is that they are all beginning again. These are refugees, migrants, workers... In 1940, Stravinsky was himself forced to make such a radical change when he migrated in order to escape the war. In this way, then, a contemporary performing arts work confronts a delicate but very real theme: migration, an issue of enormous social importance, both today and in the days when the Russian composer wrote the piece that serves as the basis for this dance show.

Artistic card

Idea original i direcció: Miquel G. Font; Dramatúrgia i coreografia: Miquel G. Font; Piano: Domingos Costa i Yseult Jost; Intèrprets: Emmanuel Dobby, Mireia González, Veronica Bracaccini i Emilie Assayag; Assistent de coreografia: Emmanuel Dobby; Disseny de so: Miquel G. Font; Disseny d'il·luminació: Tom Böhne i Gunter Votteler; Escenografia: Habemus Corpus; Veu en off: Domingos Costa i Christoph Plum; Producció executiva: Die Kulturactivisten, Solo-Tanz-Festival i Stadt Stuttgart; Producció artística: Habemus Corpus i Duo Jost Costa; Agraïments: L'Estruch Fàbrica de Creació i Teatre Principal d'Arenys de Mar;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10.30 am
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40