
  • Activitats paral·leles

Can Africa be explained through its artists? Ask Wiriko, a leading organisation in the promotion of African-rooted art, culture and creativity through journalism, cultural communications, training and excitement.

Wiriko is a Bantu term still used among the Afro-Cuban community and which means ‘awake’. And “awake” is how we’d describe Wiriko’s journalists, who will be tasked with presenting us with the continent’s artists and various artistic scenes in some ten articles where they’ll be talking about the context experienced by these creators and of the situation of the African communities in the cities they come from: from Tànger, Lagos and Johannesburg to Paris, Brussels and, of course, African Barcelona.

Women in the continent's artistic scene, an analysis of African music that takes us from the rumba to Afrobeats, creativity in big African cities starting from the case of the creator Qudus Onikeku and the Afropolis project, contemporary African dance with special attention on the choreographer Germaine Acogny, all artists and creators of African descent living in Catalonia and the African film industry are just a few of the themes the journalists will be dealing with in their articles.

For further information, check out the website




  • Schedule
    From June 27 to July 31
  • Space

    Online show