Approximately 2938 news by term None

Green light for the new City Police station in Sarrià - Sant Gervasi

The police station for the district is current housed in Can Ponsic, at Av. J. V. Foix, 55, in the neighbourhood of Sarrià.

25/03/2024 10:53 h

Bathing season under way at Barcelona’s beaches

The season starts on 23 March and will last until 27 October.

23/03/2024 09:24 h

S’aprova definitivament el pla urbanístic per a l’ampliació del MACBA

The work can be tendered in June and should get under way in November.

22/03/2024 18:44 h

Proposals from municipal groups in the full council meeting of 22 March 2024

Summary of the agreements from the government control and input part of the meeting.

22/03/2024 16:27 h

Thirty school playgrounds open for Easter

Schools in all ten districts will be opening their playgrounds on Saturdays and Sundays.

22/03/2024 11:57 h

Approval for the urban plan for the concrete structure in Vall d’Hebron

The Full Council has approved the regulation of the site at Passeig Vall d’Hebron, 138-160.

22/03/2024 11:49 h

New digital welfare measures for children and young people

The plan includes 51 actions for preventing premature access to and excessive use of technologies, plus the prevention of access to unsuitable content.

22/03/2024 09:38 h

All the services and spaces to guarantee animal welfare in the city

Barcelona is an animal-friendly city that has protected them and afforded them rights since 1998.

21/03/2024 13:41 h

Disruptions to mobility for the Volta Ciclista a Catalunya 2024

The traffic restrictions in place for the longest periods will be in Av. Reina Maria Cristina and Av. Rius i Taulet, lasting from 6.30 am to 5 pm on Sunday.

20/03/2024 13:14 h

Pilot project with raptors to disperse new pigeon colonies in Les Corts

The project will last six weeks in the areas around the Camp Nou stadium, the Jardins de Bacardí and the Jardins de la Maternitat.

20/03/2024 12:46 h

Take steps to save water and combat the drought!

Responsible use can cut household water consumption up to by 30%.

19/03/2024 10:41 h

Less noise and inconvenience in the Leisure Triangle

The implementation of the plan with measures to combat noise has brought down noise levels and incidents.

18/03/2024 17:20 h