L’Eixample gains a new space for organisations in Carrer d’Aragó

Located on the corner with C/ Girona, the Espai d’Entitats Xamfrà 317 will be operating from September and provides a home for the Associació de Veïns Dreta de l’Eixample (local residents’ association for the Dreta de l’Eixample neighbourhood), Comerciants i Professionals Cor Eixample (local retailers) and Casal de Joves la Dreixa (local youth centre).

28/08/2021 10:45 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The three organisations will be sharing the mezzanine and ground floors of the municipal premises, helping to foster the work of associations in the neighbourhood and facilitate the development of community projects. In the case of the retailers’ association, a process is under way to grant them the use of the premises for a one-year period.

The property at C/ Aragó 317, which includes the new space for organisations, was purchased in the last term of office to be offered with a public rent. The district carried out the work to condition the premises, with 90 square metres of floor space and including offices and meeting rooms for the organisations. The cost of the project was 360,000 euros.


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