New challenge to help towards more sustainable tourism in L’Eixample

The aim is to identify new innovative tech projects which foster inclusive tourism, in keeping with the model of a green city and to improve quality of life for those living near the city’s main tourist attractions. At the same time, the idea is to diversify the experience of visitors. The winning project is to be announced in June and will receive funding of 40,000 euros from the tourist tax fund (IEET) to implement the pilot project.

11/03/2022 15:53 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The district of L’Eixample has identified three important themes for the development of innovation projects. The first addresses the challenge of managing flows of pedestrians and tourist mobility, which at times poses issues for local residents. The second block addresses the management of heritage and economic promotion: the intention is to promote the diversity and heritage of the district, generating a positive impact in different economic areas and thus favouring local commerce and gastronomy. Finally, in the sphere of communication, the goal is to find smart solutions through profile analyses and geolocalisation, to improve communication with tourists and automate high quality personalised information for the various types of tourist that visit the city.

To provide some examples, solutions can focus on tools to count or forecast the flow of visitors, offer a recreational approach to the promotion of the diversity of cultural heritage through tech such as augmented realty, segmented communication or geolocalisation with beacon tech. the detection of tourist behaviour patterns and the creation of ways to integrate and increase the applicability of solutions.

This initiative comes within the InnovAcció 2030 programme, led by the Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda. In alliance with bodies such as the DFS, the commissioner’s office will be rolling out a set of challenges to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the city of Barcelona.

The call is open until 5 May and is aimed at organisations, businesses and entrepreneurs with a vocation and capacity for generating innovation and guaranteeing an efficient perspective, and with a tech base in the city. The winning project will be chosen through a three-stage assessment process.

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