Proposals from municipal groups in the full council meeting of 31 January 2025
January’s full council meeting approved five proposals: one from Junts×BCN for a new model of municipal governance; one from BComú to reurbanise the layout of the Trambesòs system; one from the ERC to promote Catalan in the digital environment; one from the PP to draft a special security plan for the metro, and one from the PSC with content for an institutional declaration to speed up the Act on Digital Services. The session rejected the proposal from Vox, and two institutional declarations were read out.
Junts per Barcelona called on the Mayor and the municipal government to launch a new governance model based on dialogue, agreement and consensus with the majority of municipal groups to tackle the challenges facing the city. The proposal was approved with favourable votes from Junts×BCN, BComú and the PP, while the PSC and Vox voted against it and the ERC abstained.
Barcelona en Comú urged the municipal government to include a budgetary item for tendering the project for the tram as far as Francesc Macià in the extended budget for 2025, and to guarantee the funding needed for the project. The session approved the proposal with votes from the PSC, BComú and the ERC, while Junts×BCN, the PP and Vox voted against it.
Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya called on the municipal government to create a hub for content creation, tech and language to promote Catalan in the digital environment, with the collaboration of Betevé and the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals. The proposal was approved with votes from Junts×BCN, the PSC, BComú and the ERC, while Vox voted against it and the PP abstained.
The Partit Popular called for a special security plan for the metro to be created, with measures including more security guards, a review and improvement of procedure protocols, joint training with police corps and new video surveillance systems. The proposal was approved with votes from Junts×BCN, the ERC, the PP and Vox, while the PSC and BComú abstained.
The proposal from Vox called for a change of focus in housing policy to trust in private initiatives, repeal the declaration of Barcelona as a pressure zone for rentals and the 30% quota reserved for protected housing, tackle squatting and more. The session rejected the proposal, with Vox and the PP voting in favour while Junts×BCN, the PSC, BComú and the ERC all voted against it.
The Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya put forward a proposal with content for an institutional declaration, urging the European Commission and member states to speed up the Act on Digital Services, protect democratic societies from disinformation and fake news and fight the irresponsible use of social media. The proposal was approved with votes from the PSC and the ERC, while the PP and Vox voted against it and Junts×BCN and BComú abstained.
Institutional declarations
Two institutional declarations were read out in the meeting: the first, to reaffirm the commitment to the full inclusion and active participation of Roma people in all aspects of social, cultural, political and economic life in the city, with the support of all municipal groups.
The second, also backed by all municipal groups, to express recognition, support and affection for all cancer sufferers and their families.