End of the moratorium for commercial vans in the low emission zone
Fines for vehicles circulating in the low emission zone without the environmental rating badge started on 15 September 2020, five and a half months later than planned, owing to the Covid-19 crisis. A moratorium has been in place for some months for goods vehicles and commercial passenger vehicles, for the most pollutant vans in the N1 category to be replaced with more sustainable models. The moratorium for the renewal of pollutant vehicles used by self-employed people with incomes of less than twice the minimum wage index also now ends.
Following a moratorium of some months for the renewal of vehicles, as from 1 April vans and goods vehicles in the N1 category with no DGT environmental badge are not allowed to circulate in the low emission zone on weekdays between 7 am and 8 pm. These vehicles represent 0.88% of the traffic in the city, a percentage which has steadily been reduced since 2017.
Owners of N1 vehicles who accredit the purchase of another which is suitable to circulate in the LEZ can request exceptional authorisations to continue circulating until they take delivery of their new vehicle. Authorisations can be processed using the website zbe.barcelona.
Between the first half of 2020 and February 2021, the volume of vehicles circulating in the LEZ without the DGT environmental badge dropped from 9 to 10% to 3.5 or 4.5%. That figure is expected to drop below 1% with the end of the moratoriums.
Subsidies for the acquisition of low emissions vehicles
In a bid to drive more sustainable mobility and renew the metropolitan fleet of vans, the Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) is offering subsidies until 30 June 2021 for the purchase of low emissions commercial vehicles. More details on the AMB website.
Why has the Barcelona Ring Roads LEZ been established?
The goal of the Barcelona Ring Roads LEZ is to cut pollution and improve air quality and public health. At the same time, the measure aims to help with the change towards more sustainable mobility. The public transport system and the cycle lane network offer the best way of travelling within the LEZ.
The LEZ is one of the measures by Barcelona City Council to cut pollutant emissions by 30% in 15 years, mainly nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10). The goal of the LEZ is to cut these emissions to 31% and 39% respectively.