S’aprova definitivament el pla urbanístic per a l’ampliació del MACBA
The Full Council has given definitive approval for the special urban improvement plan (PEIMU) to enlarge the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA). This will mean the project can be tendered in June, with work on the new spaces to begin in November. The new museum space will include 2,110 square metres of exhibition space, a gallery, storerooms and other facilities.
The project to enlarge the MACBA entails an investment of 16.26 million euros and should be completed in January 2027. The project forms party of the remodelling process for Plaça dels Àngels and will enable green spaces and meeting spaces with benches and easy chairs to be added. The space will also add a viewing terrace of 349 sqaure metres to the new MACBA space, open to the public.
In the area surrounding the square, a new Raval Nord primary healthcare centre will be created in the Capella de la Misericòrdia building. The new centre will come into operation during the first quarter of 2026 and provide greater capacity while maintaining its broad range or primary healthcare services, sexual and reproductive care, specialised and mental healthcare for people in the northern part of the Raval neighbourhood.
Locating the CAP Raval Nord in the Capella de la Misericòrdia building was one of the points in the agreement between Barcelona City Council, the Government of Catalonia, the Spanish state and the Fundació del Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) to enlarge the museum in an alternative space and leave this building free to house the future healthcare centre.

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