On 18 November, mobility changes will be introduced in the four new green hubs and squares in the Eixample district.

The Consell de Cent, Girona, Rocafort and Comte Borrell green hubs, along with the four squares, will be streets prioritised for pedestrians and for local and service traffic. This will involve major changes in the circulation of private vehicles. C. Consell de Cent will no longer be a continuous road crossing the Eixample from one end to the other.

Nova mobilitat als eixos verds de l'Eixample
18/11/2022 - 19:11 h

The creation of the four new green hubs at Consell de Cent, Girona, Rocafort and Comte Borrell as well as the first four squares will mean major changes in mobility in this area of the Eixample. These mobility changes, which are linked to the works on the Barcelona Eixample Superblock, will come into effect from 18 November.

The main change will affect C. Consell de Cent, which will cease to be a link road to cross the Eixample from one end to the other, and will be transformed into a green hub where priority will be given to pedestrians and to local and service traffic in a few months’ time. These modifications will break the continuity of the road, so drivers are advised to seek alternative routes to cross this area of the city. Existing continuity will also be interrupted in C. Girona, C. Rocafort and C. Comte Borrell and in the new squares.

Prior planning and checking of routes is recommended

Local residents and local traffic are guaranteed access to homes, shops and car parks at all times, but it should be borne in mind that in most cases it will not be possible to drive along the future green hubs in a straight line (except in the case of service and emergency vehicles and bicycles) and it will be necessary to turn at each island. Access to a green hub from a cross street will involve exiting onto the next cross street.

There will be three areas where vehicles will not be required to turn: at the junction of Consell de Cent and Aribau, at the junction of Consell de Cent and Passeig de Gràcia, and at the four junctions around the future Plaça de Consell de Cent and Girona (Bruc-Consell de Cent, Bailén-Consell de Cent, Aragón-Girona and Diputació-Girona).

In view of these changes, drivers and local residents are advised to consult the information on the turns that will be put in place so they can identify the best route and to plan their journeys in advance for the first few weeks.

Disruption during the works

During the works, the loading and unloading areas will still be located on the cross streets, and as long as the stages of the works permit, areas will be made available on the green hubs themselves. For the duration of the works, bicycles will continue to be able to circulate in the central space set aside for vehicles, and in a straight line at all intersections, as will emergency and service vehicles.

The works currently underway do not affect public transport in the area, and access to car parks and garages is still guaranteed. New pedestrian routes have also been created, and are duly signposted.

Maximum public information

In order to provide as much information as possible about the changes in mobility, there will be a number of communication initiatives aimed at local residents and shopkeepers, as well as the public in general.

A team of staff will be on hand to explain the planned changes to drivers, and they will also distribute leaflets with full information. Furthermore, signs will be placed in apartment blocks in the green hubs and the surrounding streets for residents. The changes will also be publicised through media announcements and signage.

The future Barcelona Eixample Superblock will focus first and foremost on pedestrians, neighbourhood life and local commerce. The transformation of Consell de Cent, Girona, Rocafort and Comte Borrell, and the creation of four new squares will create an additional 58,000 m2 of pedestrian areas. Asphalt will be replaced by ‘panots’ and granite paving, green space will occupy 1% to 12% of the roads, streets will be 100% accessible, and there is to be more street furniture and improved lighting. The squares at the junction of Consell de Cent, Girona and Comte Borrell will become civic and activity spaces, and those at Rocafort and Enric Granados will be green landscaped areas that invite relaxation.

Further information and new mobility map:

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