The Espai Rambla

Information and contact office

The Espai Rambla will open soon. This office on the street will provide information about the transformation project and about the Rambla of the future.

You can also get in touch through this form.

Specialized staff will be on hand in this office to address and provide answers to all the concerns and issues related to the project for the residents and the local economic, social and cultural communities.

The Espai Rambla will also be the meeting point for organisations, institutions and economic agents to monitor the progress of the works and understand the impacts that may be caused by each phase of the transformation. Taking over from the Comunitat Rambles, the Espai Rambla will organise regular meetings to provide information, share concerns, and respond to requests and needs that may arise, both related to the project and other aspects of La Rambla that need to be addressed in the coming years.

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