
Young Talent Challenged in a Llum BCN Workshop

18/10/2023 - 08:00 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Llum BCN and the the main sponsor of the festival is calling on students from the city's design schools to create a light installation.

Students from seventeen city design schools are invited to design one of the installations for the Llum BCN 2024 festival next February. This initiative tests the skills and creativity of future artists, who will receive minimal training and then use their imagination to create a lighting project for the future Yamaha Light Meeting Point at Llum BCN 24, which will amaze the visitors of the next edition of the festival. This will take place on October 24 at the MediaTIC building in Poblenou (Roc Boronat, 117).

All of this happens within the framework of the preparations for Llum BCN, a festival that, in line with what has been done in many European cities for some years now, turns a part of the city into a large open-air museum where the works of art are not sculptures or paintings but pieces made in public spaces with… photons.

Art and technology go hand in hand at Llum BCN. This year’s edition is already getting ready with the call for this workshop, organized by Yamaha, one of the festival’s sponsors. They will provide young people with some knowledge about how to build temporary structures in public spaces.

From there, a competition of ideas is launched in which the participating students will present their projects in groups of up to five people. Each group must incorporate an electric motorbike from the brand, as well as a new model of electric bicycle.

On the same day, October 24 in the afternoon, a jury composed of the sponsoring company and representatives of Llum BCN will select the project that will come to life and be seen at the festival.

The five members of the winning team will design the Yamaha Light Meeting Point of Llum BCN 24 and will enjoy a day of activities related to the recreational aspect of the sponsoring company’s products. 

It is an attempt by the festival and one of its sponsors to offer young students in the city the opportunity to design a real lighting structure so that they gain valuable experience to add to their future resumes, making it easier for them to access the world of creation in the future.

For more information about the Llum BCN festival, please visit the website.

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