La Model opens its doors in memory of Salvador Puig Antich
21/02/2024 - 16:33 h
- Uns visitants passegen per l’interior de la Model
- Bàner dels actes en record del 50 aniversari de la mort de Salvador Puig Antich. El text diu “Puig Antich. El compromís vigent 1974-2024”. Del 2 al 7 de març. 6 dies a la Model
The former prison is preparing six days of activities to mark the 50th anniversary of the murder of the young revolutionary militant.
Every evening from 2 to 7 March, various figures from the worlds of thought, law, narrative, film, poetry, music and theatre will be meeting at the former prison to revisit the tragic events, discuss their social and political significance and reflect on the current validity of the fight for freedom and justice.
- 2 March. “El compromís vigent” [the ongoing commitment], with Carlos Vallejo, Pepe Mujica, Anna Sallés, Juan Diego Botto and Eduard Fernández.
- 3 March. “La música, eina de lluita” [music, tool for struggle], with Lluís Llach, Anita Tijoux, Borja Penalba and David Fernàndez.
- 4 March. “El compromís de les lletres” [the commitement of writings], with Francesc Escribano, Jordi Panyella, Laura Restrepo, Núria Cadenes, David Castillo and Ferran Aisa.
- 5 March. “Teatre de combat” [theatre of combat], with Ferran Rañé, Jordi Coca, Berta Prieto and Sergi Belbel.
- 6 March. “El cas Puig Antich, 50 anys després” [the case of Puig Antich, 50 years on], with Francesc Caminal, Olga de la Cruz, Xavier Arbòs, Sònia Olivella, Keith Lamar and Albert Marquès.
- 7 March. “Cinema de compromís” [committed cinema], with Manuel Huerga, Fernando León de Aranoa, Najwa Najjar and Belén Funes.
The activity cycle Puig Antich. The ongoing commitment 1974-2024” will also include actions in iconic spaces at the prison, such as the panoptic tower, the parlour where Salvador spent his last night, cell 443 (where he was held) and the post room where they installed the garrotte to execute him.
Joint struggle for justice
During the last fifty years, Puig Antich’s sisters have sought to keep their brother’s memory alive, along with the legal battle to shed full light on the events that happened during the detention of Salvador Puig Antich. Many other people in the spheres of culture and thought have given accounts of the crime through narratives, theatre, poetry, music and cinema.