
Visitors on a night route to the Born CCM

The Born CCM starts the "Born de nit 2020" guided tour cycle

Guided tours to relive the history of the neighborhood, learn about the architecture of the market and remember the humor of Perich.

The Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria starts the “Born de nit 2020” tour and proposes to enter the Barcelona of 1700, discover the families that lived in the neighbourhood, learn about the architecture of the market designed by Josep Fontserè in 1871 and laugh at Perich's jokes.

On Wednesdays, from July 8th to August 26th, the proposal is “Danza y música en la Barcelona del 1700”, a walk through the streets and houses of the city of 1700 through the music and traditional dances of the time. Not only will you be able to discover the urban and private spaces, but also the musical repertoire, the aesthetics, the rhythms and movements of a happy and festive city.

“El mercado del Born. La forja de un nuevo mundo”, on Tuesdays between the 7th of July and the 29th of September, will allow us to understand that markets are part of the everyday urban landscape, although we almost never ask ourselves why they are the way they are or what memories they hold.

From July 2nd to September 29th, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, “Perich. Humor con ojos de gato” will delve into one of the most popular comedians of the last third of the 20th century, coinciding with the exhibition that this space hosts.

And “La ciudad del Born en 7 historias” will allow us to follow the life stories of some of the families of the neighbourhood to capture the pulse of a city in constant conflict, but dynamic, happy and vital. It will be held on Thursdays, between the 2nd of July and the 24th of September.

More details here.

Publication date: Friday, 26 June 2020
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