
The interior of the Casa Felip

The first resident houses in the city

During the months of October and November, you will have the chance to go on a guided tour to the Casa Felip, thanks to the project Cases Singulars.

At 20 Ausiàs March Street, we can find the Casa Felip, one of the first resident houses built in Barcelona after the new urbanisation of the Cerdà Plan. At the end of the 19th century, following the model of other European capitals, the city went through a radical change when it came to the concept of housing. They stopped building mansions that housed single families and started constructing tenement houses, buildings that were similar to blocks of flats where the owner lived on the ground floor and made a profit by charging rent to other families to live in the upper floors – more modest spaces than the ground floor. All this and much more will be explained during the guided tours of the Cases Singulars project, which offers tours to the Casa Felip on October 8 and 22 and on November 12 and 26.

The Casa Felip carries the name of the person who commissioned it, Manel Felip i Sintas. Felip, just like his father, dedicated his life to the textile industry, specialising in wool and cotton. In 1905, he commissioned the construction of Casa Felip to Telm Fernández i Janot, graduated in 1876 from the Escola Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona. Among his most outstanding works, aside from the Casa Felip, we can find the façade of the Town Hall (1884-1968), the house of Modest Andreu and the extension of the building Central Catalana d’Electricitat.

The Cases Singulars tours are 14 euros and can be in Catalan, at 12pm, or Spanish, at 10:30am. Book your spot through this link.

Publication date: Tuesday, 05 October 2021
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