
‘I hate New York’

More screenings at the Barcelona LGTBI Centre

Latest films in the “50 Years of Pride and Liberation” cycle to commemorate the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.

In 2019, the whole world is commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, an event that was one of the most important steps forwards in the LGTBI rights movement. Here in Barcelona, one of the spaces taking part in this is the LGTBI Centre, which often organises all kinds of activities to raise awareness of sexual and gender diversity. The  "50 anys d’orgull i alliberament" (50 Years of Pride and Liberation) cycle is back this September, in collaboration with the platform Filmin, to show films that represent and capture different approaches to the development of the movement from a historical, anthropological, artistic and social perspective.

All the screenings will be held every other Wednesday, from 18 September to 30 October, at the LGTBI Centre, at 6:30 pm. The cycle will kick things off with the 2014 British comedy Pride by Matthew Warchus. On 2 October you’ll be able to watch Trans, the 2012 documentary by Chris Arnold about the lives and experiences of various transgender people in the United States. The following film will be Queerama on 16 October, a visual collage made by Daisy Asquith out of films, reports and adverts that retrace a century of LGTBI struggle in the United Kingdom. The cycle will finish off with I Hate New York, the first piece by Gustavo Sánchez, who will be presenting it in person at the LGBTI Centre on 30 October.

Entrance to the screenings is free of charge and open to anyone while spaces are available. You can find all the information on the Barcelona LGTBI Centre's website.

Publication date: Friday, 13 September 2019
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