
‘Una mirada LGTBI+ a la col·lecció del MEAM’

An LGTBI+ view of the MEAM collection

The show, organised in conjunction with the PRISMA association, analyses the museum’s works from an LGTBI+ vantage point.

The European Museum of Modern Art wanted to take a step towards equality by scheduling the first exhibition in Spain which interprets a museum catalogue from an LGTB+ vantage point. It is doing so with the show An LGTBI+ Perspective into the MEAM’s Collection, in conjunction with the PRISMA association. Based on issues that are relevant to the LGTBI+ community, the show surveys contemporary figurative art, giving voice to different groups and individuals who belong to it. The exhibition dovetails with the 50th anniversary of the international launch of the LGTBI+ movement, the Stonewall riots in 1969. Furthermore, more than 15 artists were enlisted to lend their works to the museum for this show in order to spotlight the reality of this group through their own voices. In this way, the exhibition is a plural exercise which brings to the museum vantage points that have seldom been explored.

The ultimate goal of “An LGTBI+ Perspective into the MEAM’s Collection” is for the public to better understand a reality that not everyone may be fully aware of by seeing it through art. What better way to learn how to defend the human rights of everyone, and to value and promote every person’s freedom? The exhibition will be open from 30 May to 7 July, Tuesday to Sunday, from 11 am to 7 pm, at the European Museum of Modern Art.

Museum tickets cost €9. You can buy yours on the museum’s website.

Publication date: Wednesday, 22 May 2019
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